Holistic Context
why we want to be farmers for the community around us
Make it stand out.
quality of life
- What kind of life do I lead? When do I feel most content?
Statement of purpose
- What is the organisation formed to do? Why is what we do important? What is our unique contribution? Why do we exist?
Future resource base
- How must we behave to ensure the trust, respect and loyalty and support of others now and long into the future? How must the ecosystem processes function to sustain our quality of life now? And for future generations?
Our Statement of purpose
- What is the organisation formed to do?
- Why is what we do important?
- What is our unique contribution?
- Why do we exist?
1. We work with nature to run profitable enterprises which produces nutrient dense food and an experience for people to see and witness. We want people to question how their food is produced and how farming practices are carried out.
2. We will regenerate soils and increase biodiversity within our local environment by incorporating livestock into systems which mimics how herds/flocks behave in the wild. We provide a path for them to reach their full potential.
3. We are leaving behind a legacy for the next generation who can continue to build soil after we are gone. This means caring for regenerating the microbiome, biodiversity, mycorrhizal fungi, the water cycle, minerals, the energy cycle and community dynamics in our farming methods and practice.
4. We support the local community and give them a local affordable option for their food.
5. Knocknarea farm is a place for people to visit for a step in a different regenerative direction. Any person can buy food (online or at farm shop) and their voice is listened to.
6. We are taking on responsibility from our parents’ generation, caring for them and leading into a future which we consider worthwhile.
7. We stand up as young farmers and take responsibility for the direction farming goes in the future.
Our Future resource base
How must we behave to ensure the trust, respect and loyalty and support of others now and long into the future?
How the ecosystem functions to sustain our quality of life now? And for future generations?
Our Behaviour:
1. We must behave with integrity, be patient and work within the current rules set out by the EU. Creating a brand that has strong ethical values is essential. Our environmental and livestock standards will go far beyond the norm.
2. We must be loyal to our neighbours, helping them where we can possible and have no shame in asking for help.
3. We must be honest and open why certain decisions were made.
4. We support local projects that enhance the community’s quality of life and compromise sometimes to care for the community opinion. Be generous with our time for the common good.
5. We act with no sense of ego or authority. Our farming practice will do all the talking. We will not try to convince anybody but allow them to make up their minds.
Our Landscape:
1. Working with nature is vital to the health of ecosystems. Protect and enhance where possible so future generations can live a long healthy life.
2. Farming in a way that produces nutrient dense food while also encouraging life above and below the earth’s surface.